Working together is amplifying energy.

IX Signature Crystal Session

Experience the IX Signature Session for a personalized Crystal journey. Begin with a questionnaire, followed by a consultation with an IX Crystalogist, in-person or via video chat. Choose your perfect Crystal with expert guidance. Sessions cost $500, bookable 3 months ahead, with fees contributing to Crystal purchase.

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Institutional Placements

IX Institutional Placements specializes in situating IX Crystals in environments where change-makers thrive, be it individuals or companies. These strategic placements are catalysts for energetic and global transformation, aligning with visionaries committed to positive impact.

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IX Event Placements

IX event Placements bring the unique energy of IX Crystals to diverse events worldwide, enhancing their purpose and alignment. These placements, from conferences like the David Rockefeller Bridging Leadership Awards to the Women’s Forum, amplify intentions, fostering a space of heightened consciousness and collaborative energy.

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