Demitra Vassiliadis
"The connection between Crystals and Astrology is divine"- Demitra Vassiliadis
A practicing Astrologer for 25 years, Demitra’s services include, natal chart readings, solar return readings, synastry readings, electional astrology, which is helping clients select auspicious times for major life events. Her practice is located in New York City.
In addition to her private practice, she is a regular presenter at New York City’s Open Center, leading Full Moon Ceremonies. Demitra also writes a weekly blog for the Open Center. Demitra has been a regular presenter at Deepak Chopra’s Homebase at New York City’s ABC Carpet and Home event space at their annual Day of Beauty, Wellness and Wisdom. She has also presented a New Moon ceremony on the main stage at abc, and is slated to teach a series of workshops there in 2019. Demitra has regularly led New Moon ceremonies at SunRaven Wellness Center in Bedford NY and has been a featured practitioner at Michael Finkelstein’s practitioner’s roundtable, both at SunRaven and at a presentation at The Omega Institute in Rhinebeck NY. She was for years a guest lecturer at New Age Health Spa, and was the house astrologer for Monteverde Inn and Spa in Montrose NY.
Demitra has also been a featured presenter for corporate retreats and special events, Women’s President Organization, Fashion Week, and McGraw Hill, to name a few.
As we reawaken to the idea of a conscious living Universe, we re awaken to our own sacredness and the sacredness of all creation. The Heaven to Earth approach to astrology delights in exploring the birth chart as a sacred blueprint to the most natural unfolding of our development and unique potential. Our birth charts are a map of gorgeous potential that we came here to embody as we give our shining gifts to the the waiting world.