It's an honor to make IX Crystals accessible.
We believe that Crystals are to be shared – and that every Crystal wants to be of service.
We place IX Crystals with organizations and nonprofits that recognize the need for spiritual nourishment to accomplish their mission. In specific, we are looking for visionary leaders and organizations who are using their platforms to accelerate conscious living and improve the planet.
IX Crystal Grants are available quarterly. Deadlines are:
March 31
June 30
September 30
December 31
We will review your application and respond within 60 days. If your program is selected:
1. We will schedule an IX Private Session with you (via web or in-person in New York City), to ensure that we match you with the IX Crystal best suited for your work.
2. In most cases, the IX Crystal will be loaned for a specific amount of time, depending upon your project and need.
3. We will also teach you how to build a relationship with your IX Crystal to facilitate the success of your work.
We are partners.
We view our IX Grant Recipients as partners, and we want to help you reach your goals. As such, we have three requests.
1. You agree to follow care and cleansing protocols for your Crystal.
2. You inform us of any unexpected challenges in working with the Crystal, so that we may provide you with the support you need.
3. You share your successes with us!
If you have any questions about our grant program or the application, please contact us at ixnyc@institutoxilonen.com. Thank you!
Preview of Questions for Instituto Xilonen Crystal Grant Program Application
All grants must be submitted through our online portal. To help you prepare, here is a preview of the application.
NOTE: You will not be able to save a copy of your grant application once it is submitted, so please keep your preparation notes.
Thank you for your interest in the IX Crystal Grant Program.
By submitting this application, you and your organization affirm that you have reviewed and accept the grant program information detailed at https://institutoxilonen.com/our-mission/ix-crystal-grant-program/
Grant requests will be reviewed within 60 days. We look forward to working with you.
1. Organizational information
Name of organization
Name of grant contact
Address 2
City / Town
State / Province
Zip / Postal Code
Email address
Phone number
2. Website:
3. Social Media:
4. Start date of organization:
5. EIN / Tax ID#:
6. One sentence description of your organization:
7. Person responsible for the IX Crystal (the “Keeper”):
Email address
Phone number
8. The Keeper’s experience with Crystals is: (check as many as apply)
No experience
Uses Crystals at work
Has personal Crystals
Is a Crystal collector
Friends/family have Crystals
Has had Crystal healings
Uses a Crystal water wand or elixirs
Other: _________________
9. Name of Crystal’s project:
10. One sentence description of the Crystal’s project:
11. One sentence description of how you will accelerate conscious living with this IX Crystal:
12. Intended use for IX Crystal: (please rank up to 3 choices in order of preference)
Clearing & Protection
Destiny Manifestation
Meditation & Attunement
Clarity & Inspiration
Healing & Balance
Relationships & Communications
Creative Expression & Innovation
Health & Wellbeing
Abundance & Prosperity
Other: _________________
13. If this Crystal is to be used for a dedicated project, what is the optimal length of time necessary to achieve your goal?
3 Months
6 Months
Other: _________________
14. In our organization, we most value: (please rank up to 3 choices in order of preference)
Knowing ourselves
Recognizing our worth
Our impact
Our compassion and caring
Fulfilling our potential
Acting with integrity
Being trustworthy
Other: _________________
15. Most often, an imbalance in our work comes from a lack of: (please rank up to 3 choices in order of preference)
Knowing ourselves
Recognizing our worth
Our impact
Compassion and caring
Fulfilling our potential
Acting with integrity
Being trustworthy
Other: _________________
16. We would most like to nourish: (please rank up to 3 choices in order of preference)
Greater alignment with our mission
Manifesting opportunities
Broadening our reach
Allowing beauty in our work
Discovering a new approach for what we currently do
Bringing value to our work
Attracting support or innovation
Increasing our prosperity and abundance
17. When we are most challenged it’s usually because we lack: (please rank up to 3 choices in order of preference)
18. When faced with a challenge/opportunity, we would like more: (please rank up to 3 choices in order of preference)
19. Please tell us more about your organization’s mission, purpose, and intentions. (max 200 words)
20. We are curious about your project. Please explain in more depth your hopes and goals for this endeavor and how its success will impact your organization. (max 200 words)
21. Please tell us more about how you intend to accelerate conscious living with this Crystal. (max 200 words)
22. How did you hear about the IX Crystal Grant Program? (one sentence)
23. Please upload a photo of the Keeper.
24. Please upload a photo of the location for the IX Crystal.
25. Please upload a copy of your (501)(c)(3).
26. Please upload a copy of your latest financial statement.
27. Is there anything else you’d like to share? (max 200 words)
Thank you for completing this application.