A bespoke IX Crystal matching experience

The Experience
Congratulations on receiving an IX Signature Crystal Session gift from someone who cares about you deeply. Through IX, you will be introduced to the world of IX High-Frequency Crystals, which will help you enhance your life and increase consciousness by raising vibrations.
Our special IX Signature Session includes a personalized consultation with an IX Crystalogist, available either in person at our New York IX Studio or via video chat.
It starts with a brief questionnaire to match you with the ideal IX Crystal. During the session, our IX Crystalologist will present you with IX Crystal options that align with your energetic needs.
After you’ve selected a perfect IX Crystal, carefully attuned to your energy, you’ll receive expert guidance on amplifying its unique qualities. This journey towards self-discovery and energy management is a meaningful gift from someone who deeply cares about your well-being.
To begin, please view the steps below.
The Steps
1. Complete the IX intake form.
a. Upon receipt, our IX Crystalogist will reach out to schedule your session. Then, they will carefully review your intake form, process the information, and pre-select 3-5 IX Crystals for your session.
2. The Session
a. During this 75-minute meeting, you and the IX Crystalogist will work together to fine-tune your IX Crystal selection.
b. Once you have selected your IX Crystal, we will teach you how to care for your IX Crystal, and how to build a relationship that will uncover your IX Crystal’s energetic qualities, strengthen your intentions and desires, and nourish your soul.
3. The IX Keeper Family
a. When your session is complete, you will become an IX Keeper and part of a community united in exponentially nourishing consciousness around the globe.
b. You will also receive an IX Crystal Passport, made especially for you and your new Crystal, which will include details about your Crystal, personalized messages, and affirmations to help you nurture your connection with your IX Crystal and yourself.
We look forward to working with you.
Gift Card Expiration
The IX Signature Crystal Session gift certificate is valid for 6 month from the date of purchase.
Short Film
Energy is Everywhere
The Gallery
A selection of IX Crystals from around the world.
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The Consciousness Compass,
filled with energetic wisdom.