Dear Seekers and IX Keepers,

In May, we typically celebrate Mother’s Day and the beautiful, mothering energy of nourishment and sharing.

Nourishment comes in many forms – from a beautiful meal or nurturing environment to a gentle touch, a moment of encouragement, a kind word, or enthusiastic acknowledgment of another’s skills or talents. Much of our life’s purpose is to nourish others. As the IX Crystal, Roma says, “I have so much love to give and energy to share.”

It’s essential to extend nourishment to ourselves as well. By filling our own cup first, we can give to others from a genuinely joyful heart – one filled with the balance and harmony we wish to see throughout the world.

It is our greatest hope that this issue of The Compass nourishes your consciousness with inspiration and content designed for your body, mind, and spirit on your journey of growth. We are here, with you and for you.

With Love and Light,

Instituto Xilonen


About the Name

The name “Roma” has multiple meanings. In Hebrew, Roma means exalted or lofty. It is also a name for Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and good fortune. In Roman mythology, Evander, a cultural hero from Greece, named the city of Rome in honor of his daughter, Roma.

About the Crystal

Roma is a large Celestial Quartz Cluster Crystal from Romania that stands almost 13 inches tall and 20 inches across. Celestial Quartz is made of Crystal points. From these points grow additional terminations, further amplifying the energies of the Crystal.

Celestial Quartz is best known for holding significant amounts of information and offering a connection to higher spiritual planes. Yet, this type of Quartz also keeps us connected to the Earth, allowing us to ground spiritual information into the physical plane. When this happens, blockages are released and vitality is enhanced so that our soul can realize its true purpose and experience all that life has to offer.

Message from Roma

“I am bursting with joy! I have so much love to give and energy to share. I am so excited to blend with the energies of others to ignite their joy and their love.

“Everything is a possibility. Every experience is a chance to grow in wisdom and understanding of how this magical beautiful Universe operates.

“I encourage us all to join hearts and hands and spread the joy that is here for all of us, right under our noses. Feel it and share it with others. Together let’s make our Earth kinder and nicer. I will assist you. Feel my joy!!!”

Affirmations from Roma

“Everything is a possibility.”
“I join hearts and hands and spread joy.”
“With every experience, I grow.”


To live a purposeful life, we need nourishment. Crystals can feed our souls with inspiring beauty, balanced energy, and spiritual insights.


To help and care for others, we must first remember to nourish ourselves.

Read Article


When we voice our belief in one another’s talents, capabilities, traits, and skills, we nourish gifts that can blossom over a lifetime.

Read Article


In this article, New York Times bestselling author, Kristine Carlson, asks, “How can I serve we?”

Read Article


By Demitra Vassiliadis

As May begins, the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Taurus has initiated a month of evolutionary change and growth in our relationship to the maternal, material world. While spring blossoms around us, at IX we are focusing on our own fertile, maternal aspects. It’s time to tend to the qualities, abilities, and resources that shape our unique life purpose and use these to nourish ourselves and the waiting world. Thus, May is a perfect month to cultivate our own garden of beauty and happiness to joyfully share.

On May 1st, Luna merges forces with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring a quantum leap in our sense of self-worth, our awakening genius, and a new relationship to abundance. We are also called to step into the ensouled, living, material world, where Spirit is enshrined in every molecule of creation. Our spiritual awakening this month reminds us that the material world is a spiritual fact.

On May 2nd, Venus, the planetary ruler of Taurus, heads into action-taking Aries, asking us to connect with our passion and actively advance toward it. On May 8th, Mother’s Day reminds us to celebrate this year by cultivating the mother within to nurture our mothers, the gorgeous green Earth, and those around us with our own maternal gifts.

On May 10th, two big planetary shifts occur as Mercury stations retrograde in Gemini, calling our minds inward and backward to review plans. Later that day, massive Jupiter heads into Aries, expanding our ability to take wise action and advance big, bold plans. This planetary combo pulls us in two directions. Mercury calls our minds backward, instructs verbal restraint, and the review of plans and ideas, while Jupiter in Aries impels us boldly forward. The resolution can be found by enlisting the inner spiritual warrior who knows when to advance, when to retreat, and when to keep our own council.

The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse on the 16th illuminates evolving emotional patterns that inform our approach to intimacy, mergers, and shared resources. On May 20th, the Sun heads into mercurial Gemini, highlighting our most intelligent plans as Mercury continues his retrograde journey of ongoing reflection and review. Two days later, Mercury retrogrades out of Gemini and back into Taurus, reminding us of the blossoming gifts and material plans we are meant to review, then manifest.

On the 24th, Mars, the planetary warrior, joins Jupiter and Venus in Aries, his home sign, providing plenty of energy to pursue the expanding plans and relationships that fuel our passion. On the 28th, Venus leaves Aries and glides into earthy, beautiful Taurus, her home sign, to help us truly get grounded and cultivate the garden of beauty and love that is our precious life.

On May 30th, the New Moon in Gemini inspires new beginnings, requiring a review and recalibration of values, finances, and all things material. At the same time, Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, travels backward in earthy Taurus, calling us to reflect on the revisions that could be beautiful, profitable game-changers.

With Love and Blessings,

Demitra Vassiliadis
Heaven To Earth Astrology


In this inspiring and beautiful talk, Boyd Varty, a fourth-generation guardian of the South African game preserve, Londolozi, talks about “ubuntu,” which means, “I am; because of you.”


We created the IX Signature Session to ensure that you and your Crystal are a perfect match.

Book Session