Dear Seekers and IX Keepers,

As this exceptional year comes to a close, it is time to reflect on all that we’ve done, and continue to do, to raise consciousness through the body, mind, and spirit connection. With every choice, we create the world in which we live, raising our vibration as an offering to our fellow beings and the Divine.

During this season of celebration, it’s also vital that we stay grounded and focused so that our momentum continues. We don’t need to do this alone. Our IX Crystal Kandarie reminds us that support is ever-present when she says, “Feel the strength that envelops you.”

As we move into 2023, may we create the blessings we wish to receive as we ascend to higher levels, together.

It is our greatest hope that this issue of The Compass nourishes your consciousness with inspiration and content designed for your body, mind, and spirit on your journey of growth. We are here, with you and for you.

With Love and Light,

Mayra Hernández GonzálezCo-Founder


About the Name
Kandarie is of Indian origin and means “protector.”

About the Crystal
Kandarie is a Pyrite Cluster Crystal on Clear Quartz.

Pyrite derives its name from the Greek word pyr, meaning “fire.” Pyrite can create a spark when struck and became a valuable fire starter in prehistoric times. Many ancient civilizations used Pyrite in jewelry, including the Greeks, Romans, and Incas. Ancients also used the reflective surface of Pyrite as a mirror. Today, we use Pyrite as a mirror for the soul to help us recognize harmful habits and establish new patterns with a positive, can-do attitude.

Pyrite is a stone of manifestation, action, and determination, pulling from the Earth’s abundant power to give us a refreshing dose of strength and vitality. Pyrite energies ignite our inner warrior, boosting confidence and generating the willpower to achieve goals and wealth through daily, focused effort. With each step, Pyrite grounds higher knowledge into movement, inspiring choices that nurture our community and world.

The Clear Quartz with Kandarie is the “stone of light.” It amplifies the connection between the physical and the universal energy of Spirit, reminding us that we are always connected.

Message from Kandarie
“I am Kandarie, and I am your protector. However, as you can see, I am soft, and in my service, I am playful.

“I ask you to see the beauty in all of my crevices and know that strength and kindness can exist so very well together in one. I am beautiful to look at and welcome you to sit in my energy.

“Feel the strength that envelops you and let your mind run free in its imagination while you are not preoccupied in fear. Fear stops our creative flow. Do not allow this to be your story. Find strength and beauty in one moment, and fear will stay far, far away.”

Affirmations from Kandarie
“My strength and kindness exist together as one.”
“I release fear and let my creativity flow.”
“I find strength and beauty in one moment.”


As our vibration increases, we find ever-increasing levels of support around us. Crystals are perfect teachers and companions for this journey.


The New York Times bestselling author Heidi Hanna explores how physical activity can be a catalyst to cross-train the body-mind-soul connection.

Read Article


Author Melissa Ricker reflects on 12 intriguing life changes that may occur when consciousness expands.

Read Article


Writer Wendy Rae shares how our well-being is communicated through our energetic vibration and offers suggestions on how to raise our levels and keep them strong.

Read Article


By Demitra Vassiliadis

December begins on a growing lunar tide, with the Sun, Venus, and Mercury traveling joyfully through equestrian Sagittarius, the sign of faith, optimism, and adventure. The eclipse cycle from November is over, and we’re inspired to gallop into the last month of 2022 on a wave of gratitude and generosity of spirit to seek a higher perspective.

On December 3rd, spiritual, visionary Neptune stations direct in Pisces, motivating us to pivot to advance our most inspired, sacred dreams and unfurl the greater enlightenment that we have been gestating for many months. Therefore, here at IX, we are focusing on the inner and worldly ascent that leads to a higher vibration, preparing us to lead from a new level of consciousness from which we can share our gifts with the world as a gift of gratitude to the Divine.

Our journey upward becomes more disciplined and focused on December 6th, when Mercury heads into Capricorn, the sign of the mountain scaling goat, inspiring us to define our most cherished goals and focus our minds on the climb that leads to their achievement.

On December 8th, the Full Moon in Gemini travels in a tight embrace with Mars retrograde. This Full Moon has us actively reviewing, rethinking, and revising ideas, plans, beliefs, and strategies in light of revelations that were illuminated in the lead-up to the Full Moon.

Two days later, on December 10th, lovely Venus leaves adventurous Sagittarius and joins Mercury on the climb up the sacred mountain of our highest and most beautiful ambitions. Here, the Sagittarius Sun continues to illuminate the path to adventure, higher ground, and the peak of our desired accomplishments.

As Luna wanes post-Full Moon, Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, leaves Pisces on December 20th for the next 12 years. After awakening and expanding our dreams, Jupiter heads into daring Aries, encouraging movement by setting an active tone for the winter season and coming year.

The next day, on December 21st, the portal of winter opens as the Sun heads into responsible, disciplined Capricorn. On this Solstice, the longest night and shortest day of the year, winter officially begins with the Sun and Jupiter squaring off, creating a dynamic tension between action and restraint.

On December 23rd, the New Moon in Capricorn invites us to celebrate the first growing lunar cycle of a winter that promises to be quite dynamic.

On December 29th, Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn, and we end the month in weighty reflection of goals, ideas, and elevated commitments that may require revision, review, and reversal. It’s a perfect time to release all that no longer serves our highest good and leave it in the fading year as we take our first step into 2023, lighter and brighter. May every blessing be with you in the New Year.

With Love and the Highest Light to All,

Demitra Vassiliadis
Heaven To Earth Astrology


By Demitra Vassiliadis

Each month, Demitra also writes the Celestial Crystal Calendar for IX, where she pairs significant planetary events with Crystals that amplify and balance the energies.

Read Calendar


We created the IX Signature Session to ensure that you and your Crystal are a perfect match.

Book Session